What Is the Best Operating System for Your Computer?
As the computer industry progressed, we have seen a rise in the popularity of several companies, which divided the market and created great rivalries not only between their products but also between their product users. Even today, Apple and PC users can get into heated arguments over what product is better, each one defending their preferred one. Usually, the discussion about operating systems boils down to the three big ones –Windows, macOS, and Linux. We will explore the differences between these operating systems to help you better choose one that suits your everyday needs best.
What is an operating system?
The operating system of a computer is a piece of software that manages the hardware and software operations of a computer and acts as an intermediary so that the software and the hardware can interact with one another. In other words, the operating system enables the communication between the user’s applications and the machine. Of course, the three systems differ significantly, and their characteristics may not suit every type of user.
1. Windows

Most of the world’s computers run Windows –almost 83 percent of computers worldwide have a Windows operating system. First of all, it is a good idea to install it if you are an avid gamer, as there is virtually no game that this operating system cannot run –almost all games that are made, are made for Windows. However, it also has its downsides. Compared to some other systems on this list, it tends to be on the slower side, and relatively faulty. You can customize your system a bit, but not too much. The most prominent fault of this system is its security –it’s not very secure. Precisely because it is the most common system all around the world, Windows is the easiest target for malware and viruses.
2. macOS

As we already mentioned, Mac is not a good option for gamers, as there are not as many games developed for this platform as there are for Windows; there is a good reason for this, as macOS makes for around 13 percent of operating systems around the world, which is a far smaller number compared to Windows. What macOS can provide, however, is speed and reliability. They are faster than PCs in almost every aspect, and they are far less prone to crashes. Due to their higher prices, Apple usually uses higher-end materials for their products, which ensures longer product life, and greater reliability. The greatest downside to Apple products is precisely their price. The cheapest Macbook laptop is about four times more expensive than a PC laptop; this is why many people opt to spend that amount of money on building a stronger PC with better specifications.
3. Linux
Out of the three, Linux is the least favorite among users, as it makes for less than 2 percent of operating systems around the world. Although it scores a bit better when gaming is concerned than macOS, Linux is certainly not a system you should choose if you are not very familiar with computers or tech-savvy. Linux is an open-source operating system, which means that the users can optimize and change the source code of the system any way they see fit. Consequently, the system can be very fast, depending on how the user chooses to set it up. Both the fact that it is open-source and its low popularity mean that there are not many virus threats.